Saturday, December 24, 2011


These are my presents.

I decided to take a photo of them because I want to remember how God has provided for me this year... even in just presents. And all of you know how much I L.O.V.E presents.

I received presents from new friends I met in Sydney- my lovely housemate and also my ballet friend. I got presents from my old colleagues at the Alfred hospital- both from my immediate team but also from the other girls in the department. I received presents from my old OCF and housemate- Jit Jing. I even got presents (yes, plural-the 2nd one is still in the mail) from Rob that I met at DTS who's now in Japan. And of course, from Mummy & Pokey who had to shop waaayyy in advance. And even the iPad2 that I used to take the photo. Presents, presents, presents.

Isn't God good!!!!???? Already, " will live forever more because of Christmas Day" and on top of those, a sprinkling of material gifts. Blessed. I am blessed.


Anonymous LPY said...

oh wow! what a stash..I mean blessing!!

10:14 PM  

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