Tuesday, May 01, 2012


Don't try to be taller than you are Ms. Edmondson!

At Peggy's Cove


Attention! Jo guarding Halifax from Viking invaders

Jo and Justine monkeying around

Trees still bare at the Public Gardens

Mrs Zwicker, Justine, Lauren, Hannah, Jo

A little brook in the garden

Jo, Hannah, Justine and I drove down to Halifax. It was a really long drive of 13-14 hours. But we made it although I'm still feeling a little car sick. It was a great trip!Good conversation and good food. :) Lobster, steak, scallops, biscuits. yum!
It was sad saying goodbye to Justine yesterday.
Sad saying goodbye to Hannah today.
Sad saying goodbye to Sam today.
But God is good! I told Jo that  it'll be strange not having Hannah around to talk to and she told me that I can talk to God even more then. :D haha. True words!


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