Tuesday, September 26, 2006

tubs and cups

This is my FIRST BLOG POST EVER in my whole life. never imagined I would ever do this. But hey, what's a blog post or two between sisters :)

Today, I attempted to make a more 'complicated' version of yoghurt cake. The motivating reson behind this was 2 tubs of almost expired yoghurt and also a day off work. I got the recipe off Chocolate & Zucchini. I modified it a little bit due to some miscalculations and also my recent intolerence to pears and apples.

She gave the recipe in terms of yoghurt tubs which confused me at one point and so I ended up putting double the amount of oil than asked for. I also grated a Fuji apple & mixed that in as well. (nb-grated apples go great with almost any cake/muffin!). Oh, and I used hazelnut meal instead of almond meal only because it was a dollar cheaper and i like the taste of hazelnuts.

and this is the result...looks pretty good eh *grin*

I had to cut quite a decent chunk for the photo and so, had to eat it (but of course) and now i feel kinda sick


Blogger sookie said...

pure greed

7:53 PM  

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