Thursday, March 06, 2008

One month later...

And I'm still alive. :)
Che: wut lah. where's your post? :(

Anyway, I had spring break a couple of weeks ago. It seems so long ago..maybe 2 weeks? I think so..
Time is just whizzing by..

Anyway, I took the opportunity to take a day off. :)
I first baked a cake..
A very nice butter cake. It does have an interesting texture and as the description at Orangette says: a little corn bready texture.
But all in all, highly enjoyable. I wanted a cake that I could put in my bag without worrying about it. And this was indeed the cake to take along for my walk.

And so I armed myself with a slice of cake..or perhaps it was 2 slices of cake..;) One needs sustenance (Right pa? hehe), and a flask of tea.

then I took a walk to Clair Lake Park and this was what I saw..


I sat on a bench, sipping my tea and eating my busy day cake. I thought thoughts and wondered about the whats, whys, wheres, whos, whens and hows.
And then I got up and went home.

But then...I felt unsatisfied. I wanted to keep walking. So I did. And my feet took me to the supermarket! Where I saw fresh lamb! mmm..hehe. AND MEYER LEMONS!

So of course I said, meyer lemons?? Oh yeaahh!
And I had lemony goodness for a couple of days.
All I have left are pictures of this amazing lemon pound cake.

It is as delicious as it looks. So good. It's not a heavy pound cake. The texture is fantastic. Very light. The lemony goodness is a great balance of sour and sweet.
Highly recommend it. :) And a shout out to mafily who wanted a lemon cake. ;)

So, my day off. It was nice to sit and think. But you don't get any where just thinking.

It's been a long month, and it's the start of another long month.
God help me lah.
God help you too. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

MAFILY!? tha's me me me!! anyway well done that's one fine looking lemon cake! mmmmmmm....

also, i think i was delusional when i suggested the mafily cake challenge. but but but, i'm willing to give it a go...easter break's coming up...bring it on!! (simple one agar agar or something).

loves you!

5:22 AM  

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