Saturday, January 12, 2008

small things

i know i said people..but not yet.

we had a christmas party before i left for scotland. The theme was comfort food.
I brought bread and cheese. I made baguette, and country loaf. the baguette was good. :D
I brought Gouda, havarti and some soft cheese. The one that mommy likes.

Very nice!
Karina made mac and cheese. Emily made pizza. JB made cinnamon rolls. Kristin made eggplant parmesan. Justin made mash potatoes. and Jen made dip.

I called this post small things because the collages consist of close up pics. :)

This was taken at a beach in Scotland with Tom and Aunty.

This was taken at the Christmas party.
ok. Maybe the next post will be people. :)

Love you,


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