Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mah Sista' is So Cool

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOOK NING!!!!!!!!!!!!! My sister kabista lister rister! (That's my lame effort at Canadian rhyming. I'm still not very good about it)

Anyway, I've been so blessed by you. God has used you in so many ways to help grow me in Christ and to be Christ to me. Not only my sister, you are also my BEST FRIEND. So, as a tribute, I've included some 'sister' photos here (in no particular order) :)

LOVE YOU!!! MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sisters in white hats

Sisters trying to look funny

Sisters looking good

Sisters a little chubby but getting ready for yum cha

Sisters at graduation

Sigh...Still trying to be funny sister?????

Sisters SO CUTE!