Wednesday, May 09, 2012

So close

As usual, my heart is revealed to be deceitful and self-centered. As I think about why I'm anxious about tomorrow, it became apparent that I want to excel. Cam and Caroline pointed that out as well as I wondered why I was anxious even after I've addressed my cognitive errors e.g. fear of failing.
As I thought and prayed about it more today, I realized that it is because I want and seek my own glory not the glory of God. If I were seeking the glory of God, I wouldn't need to be anxious because God will glory himself. It is not dependent on me, although I can participate in the glorification of God.

So all glory to God, Sook Ning! Not only in "sacred" work, but in every area of my life. May I decrease and He increase!

Court prayedmailed me.

"i pray that God will give you an eternal focus in this, that your vision will be razor sharp set on Him - because i think with those two things anxiety is kinda forgotten. Your identity is sealed in Him and all earthly success or failure here will be burned up one day when we are purified in His refining fire anyway - these things, these letters behind our names, these trophies, they are just bits of the dross, the wood that is burned out when we will stand before Him. Certainly they are temporarily important, especially when you've put so many years working towards your goal, and i don't want to belittle or be callous to what's happening here, but ya, just to fix your eyes on what is unseen, fix your eyes on the eternal and these things will blur in the background. I pray that your goal above all goals, that He would be glorified and His kingdom would consume your vision, squeezing out any others from becoming too consuming or from becoming a distraction. i pray that we would both be reasonably unconcerned with our work or earthly pursuits - that we would work hard to the glory of God, but that we would leave the results completely in His hands, trusting that His plans are solid and that if His plan includes Him making use of your PhD, then there's nothing on earth or in heaven or hell that can stop Him from enabling you to get it. His plans always prevail, this is a great comfort."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes,,fear the Lord and you will fear no other. Fear the Lord and love Him and he will make you significant. May our Lord always go before you and make straight your path, and guide and your steps,and give you favor always.mummy

12:50 AM  

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