Saturday, January 30, 2010


When Mummy came as a SURPRISE! last year, I decided to give her a Nice Treat too. So, we headed off to The Lakehouse in Daylesford

The pre-entree...olives, bread and dip. The olives were one of the nicest I've ever had! Not too saltly or sour.. And the dip was bean puree. Very smooth..

My entree- taste of the sea: L-R: scallop, oyster, sashimi, mussel (yes, all in singular and not plural)

My main- lamb with rice......special rice. lol..can't remember what it was called.
...and also a kinda lamb confit. It was really really melt-in-your mouth.

Mummy's main- Duck! WHOA. It was good...I liked it. Especially the crackling...mmm...

More ducks in the lake...cause it's the LAKEhouse..geddit???

Mummy making duck pose:

It was such a nice day...and then after that we went to some arty places. But I'll save that for the next post cause it's late now :)