Tuesday, May 04, 2010


bye bye koko! it was fun having you around.
sad to see you go. :( I'll see you soon ok??

Cheche: koko said that he'll exercise with us! but he will do level 1. :)

Random other things

We met Lisa for lunch at Sparrow on Thursday and we went to Jean-Talon market on Friday..unfortunately I did not take my camera along. :(
Esther came over for dinner on Friday and we had fresh spinach pasta with sausage and salad.

Here is koko intent on cooking the sausages and then looking very pleased at how the sausages turned out (very well!).

We had an early morning on Saturday. We went to L'avenue but it was closeD1! so we went across the street to Cafe El Dorado(?). The crepes were ok, but L'avenue is still better.

Poor koko was so tired. haha. and then I laugh. hahaha.
and took pictures
here we were waiting for the bus to take us to the airport.

Au Cinquieme Peche

Koko and I had a nice dinner at Au Cinquieme Peche. It was his second day here so he was more used to walking. haha.
It was a beautiful day! Koko wore my Waldo toque because he was cold.
At the resto

We started with seal tartar
And sausage and cheese

Koko had beef with whipped potato. I thought it was very nicely done.
I had duck magret and confit. Quite nice. I like the magret more than the confit.


There was a koko,
dumbe dumbe dum,
there was a sookning,
dumbe dumbe dum,
and the koko and the sook ning met in Montreal,
dumbe dumbe dum.

so hear hear for the adventures of the koko and the sook ning!
dumbe dumbe dum.

Saturday, May 01, 2010


why am i so reluctant?
i am here for a single purpose. God made me for one purpose.
Why do I spend my time rebelling against that purpose and pursuing other things?
Do I really have an eternity mindset?
Do I spend my time doing things in the name of God, but really it is to ensure my name and my renown?