Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fish and flowers

Anne Keen invited me over to her house to celebrate my birthday.. Really, the way it happened was that Pei Li told her that she (Anne) should invite me for dinner instead of giving me a present because in her words (more or less), "she wouldn't enjoy eating dinner alone on her birthday". Which is very kind and considerate of her but also brought up some amount of objection from me because "I don't see why I can't have dinner and a present". So, in the end, I got dinner AND a present :)

I did want to bring something to the house but didn't want to bring chocolates or wine (they have their own wine cellar...very fancy). Late last night, I thought, FLOWERS! So, I woke up early and went to the market and got nice flowers...not too expensive either and very fresh. All together only $25.

And there they are arranged and wrapped. Hand bouquets are much harder to wrap than it looks! Looks nice?

There was swordfish for dinner because Anne thinks fish is good for me... and then, there was...

Mango Bombe Alaska for dessert!! I LOVE Bombe has meringue, ice cream, cake..everything!!!!!!!

My fake surprised look :)

And lets not forget presents!!! Well, present:

I really really really thank God that He gave me this friendship and that Anne AND her family have been so welcoming... He does place the lonely in families...

Anyway, she really wanted to take a photo of me and the cake cause she wanted mummy to know that my surrogate mom did make sure I got a birthday cake. So nice hor...