Tuesday, September 26, 2006

bread and jam rocks

i was going to make victorian sponge cake..but it was already 10pm.
before - i was going to make brown steam sponge cake..but i had no baking soda.
...so i had bread and jam.

i'm too lazy to post pictures up...but here's the recipe


after 2 days...finally baking time!

after 11/2 hours - more than double the size

punch down and shaping - 2 more hours - i didn' tknow where to put it because i don't have a nice pan..so i put it in my icebox. heehee.

then into the oven, after 5 minutes of steaming the oven,

30 minutes later..

the dough was very nice to handle and very fluffy.

1. sourdough starter
2. buttermilk
*mommy said: are you crazy?? how much buttermilk do you need?

i'm becoming a baker..
i obviously cannot move back to montreal now. :P

mommy said that chinese people keep their stock forever. everyday they just boil it and add stuff. and they keep it in a black pot. ..o_O

maybe i'll become one of those people - with my starter and buttermilk. crooning over them saying - formulate formulate multiple multiple..muahhahhaha!
go go bacteria.



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