Saturday, November 04, 2006


No, I didn't cook anything..well, I cooked dinner. Tomato-chilli fried rice. :) with omelette and japanese curry sauce on top. quite nice.
I wanted to do I guess it's the poor man's version of it. ;)

This is my next project
I draw your attention to
1. He doesn't use natural sourdough. he says that that's like putting a foodtrap and seeing what you catch. haha. good point except the site that he directs you to to buy your sourdough starter sell starters that start out that way i.e. catching random wild yeast.
So I guess mine is a pariah version. heehee
2. he's a little intense hor. perfectionist. But note what he says about canned tomatoes. that's interesting, i'll try that. good point.

koko: if you can find a recipe for bobo, you can christian the next sourdough bread. :D

On other matters, I'm the self-appointed google queen. I found cheche's long lost friend - her email address, phone number AND blog (private blog though). a.k.a. i'm quite lifeless lah. sigh.
ok. i'm going to try to read.


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