Saturday, October 21, 2006

Happy birthday che!!!

went for jazz yesterday. the bistro manager knows me now. :)

food was much better than the tasteless lamb shank. i skipped desert.
so i had cornish hen with wild rice and some sort of veg. the sauce was a little on the salty side but when eaten with the hen and rice was perfect. it's like soya sauce and a hint of orange. not just that lah. but i don't know what else they put in it. :)

bernie senesky was playing. wow. very good. incredibly interesting. not keeping with some standard routine. he did a classical+jazz combo - i later found out that he has classical training. makes sense. but he was weak at some parts. not technically, but it seemed like he was tired or something so the playing wasn't as clean as it could have been.

all in all, a nice evening.


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