Thursday, January 31, 2008

Some TLC please..

Long days and nights
I don't mind this, but sometimes I wish I have someone to come home to.
Someone waiting for me to come home. Food waiting to be eaten. Someone to tell my day to.

Sounds so sad right? haha. No lah..why should it be sad? It's like that lah. We crave love. That's a God given desire. :)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hope and people..

This week seems to be a little hard. I say seems..because there's one more day. Well, 1 more hour if you count Sunday as the beginning of the week.
Lots of work to put in.
And then there are my bethren.

Sometimes it's hard to understand people. Ok. OfTEN it's hard to understand people. We have expectations that are rarely fulfilled. We have ideas of what is right and wrong. Not necessarily wrong. But when people act contrary to our expectations and's upsetting and disturbing. How can we forgive? How do we move on? Don't fall into the crack..;)

It's very hard. Everytime we are reminded of it..whatever it may be, we are hurt once more. On a side note - that's why Paul talks about crucifying the Son of God all over again when those who are enlightened fall away (Heb 6:4-6)
It's a burden . A strange feeling of betrayal.

3 If You, LORD, should mark iniquities,
O Lord, who could stand?
4 But there is forgiveness with You,
That You may be feared.

7 O Israel, hope in the LORD;
For with the LORD there is mercy,
And with Him is abundant redemption.
8 And He shall redeem Israel
From all his iniquities. (Psalm 130)

So..there is hope yet. As God forgives us, we are now set free from ..unforgiveness. We have the freedom to forgive. The freedom to let go.

All these things that has been done to you - and I count my blessings! - but with unforgiveness, our lives, which can be pretty bad..will be worse. It will be filled with bitterness. You will taste the gall in your mouth. Your mind constantly ruminating on the issues, on the person, on the become a slave to the past.

I hear Your voice,
and that’s enough for me to rise again
I will rejoice, in perfect strength I gain

even through the storms
and crashing waves
the goodness of my God will keep me safe
so I’m taking steps on the water
for Your hand is holding me
every move I make will testify
Your miracles that none can deny
so I’m taking steps on the water
I no longer am afraid You’re with me (Tim)
There are some real big issues to face. Things that happen that lead to alot of pain and hurt. But there is hope. There is life yet! There is the freedom to forgive. The hope of a heart lightened from its load.

For this we labour and stribe - that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men. (1 Tim 4: 10)

So I don't know what you are facing right now. People can often hurt us and cause us a great deal of pain. But we have been given new life in Christ - forgiven and now free to forgive.

Dear children,
let us now love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts and he knows everything.

The elder,
John (1 john 3-21-22)

Love you

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But desire fulfilled is a tree of life. (prov 13:12)

Thank you for the music

I really like this..

Saturday, January 12, 2008

small things

i know i said people..but not yet.

we had a christmas party before i left for scotland. The theme was comfort food.
I brought bread and cheese. I made baguette, and country loaf. the baguette was good. :D
I brought Gouda, havarti and some soft cheese. The one that mommy likes.

Very nice!
Karina made mac and cheese. Emily made pizza. JB made cinnamon rolls. Kristin made eggplant parmesan. Justin made mash potatoes. and Jen made dip.

I called this post small things because the collages consist of close up pics. :)

This was taken at a beach in Scotland with Tom and Aunty.

This was taken at the Christmas party.
ok. Maybe the next post will be people. :)

Love you,

Thursday, January 10, 2008


My tracks on the fresh snow.

Top pic: trees outside my apartment
Bottom pic: Trees on the way to Ayr

Scenes from Edinbrough: 4 seasons

Scenes from London: The old, the new, and the hardy.

Tomorrow: People

Sorry for the lack of news.
Things are quite busy at the moment. The subject pool opens next thursday and I have to prepare the material for some studies, as well as run data analyses and maybe on the side..think.
that would be nice. heh.

I think I'll join the ballroom club this term - they are offering latin silver classes. even though the floor is pretty bad, the teachers are pretty good and only for 30/term..ok lah. :)

love you,

Back to routine

Ok ok!! I hear you mom. updates. :)