Saturday, March 08, 2008

Don't make the cake yet!

I forgot to tell you that I used a different glaze..

Pierre Herme's Lemon Cream
1 cup sugar
zest of 3 lemons
4 eggs
3/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 sticks butter, cut into 1 inch pieces, softened

Make a water bath by putting a saucepan of water over heat to simmer and placing a metal bowl over, without the bottom touching the water. Rub the sugar and lemon zest with your fingers and add to the metal bowl. Whisk in the eggs and lemon juice.
Cook the mixture over the water bath, whisking constantly until the cream reaches 180 degrees. It can take up to 10 minutes.
Once the cream reaches 180 (your whisk will leave ribbon tracks in the cream),remove the cream off the heat and put it into a blender. Let the cream cool to 140.
Add in the butter and process until perfectly smooth.
Pour into a container, cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

(that's the real cream one)
I used this one:
For the Meyer Lemon Cream:

1 cup sugar
zest of 3 Meyer lemons
4 eggs
1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 Tb gelatin, softened in 3 Tbs water
1 stick butter, cut into 1 inch pieces, softened

This is really more like a filling for a swiss roll but it still worked!
It's because I made the swiss roll first..and had a lot of filling left. So I used it on the cake as a glaze. I first poked holes into the cake and warmed up the creme slightly and poured it over.
This one has gelatin and less butter. I guess in hindsight I should have used the first recipe, I said, it was leftover from the roll. you can make the cake! :)

Thursday, March 06, 2008


I went to Verses today to celebrate D's upcoming wedding.
It was pretty nice. Probably one of the better restaurants I've been to in KW.

I had Venison Rack and she had red grouper.

The dessert was apple crepes. But...little did we know it was smoked apple. So she took one bite and almost gagged. I took a bite and!
So I asked the waiter, who happened to be really nice, and he said that the apple was smoked.
Not the best dessert. I think the smokiness was a little on the heavy side. It did add a layer of complexity to the dessert but I'm not sure I am partial to bacony apple crepe with pecan ice cream. :)
But it was really good having a relaxing dinner with her.
Thank God for friends :)

One month later...

And I'm still alive. :)
Che: wut lah. where's your post? :(

Anyway, I had spring break a couple of weeks ago. It seems so long ago..maybe 2 weeks? I think so..
Time is just whizzing by..

Anyway, I took the opportunity to take a day off. :)
I first baked a cake..
A very nice butter cake. It does have an interesting texture and as the description at Orangette says: a little corn bready texture.
But all in all, highly enjoyable. I wanted a cake that I could put in my bag without worrying about it. And this was indeed the cake to take along for my walk.

And so I armed myself with a slice of cake..or perhaps it was 2 slices of cake..;) One needs sustenance (Right pa? hehe), and a flask of tea.

then I took a walk to Clair Lake Park and this was what I saw..


I sat on a bench, sipping my tea and eating my busy day cake. I thought thoughts and wondered about the whats, whys, wheres, whos, whens and hows.
And then I got up and went home.

But then...I felt unsatisfied. I wanted to keep walking. So I did. And my feet took me to the supermarket! Where I saw fresh lamb! mmm..hehe. AND MEYER LEMONS!

So of course I said, meyer lemons?? Oh yeaahh!
And I had lemony goodness for a couple of days.
All I have left are pictures of this amazing lemon pound cake.

It is as delicious as it looks. So good. It's not a heavy pound cake. The texture is fantastic. Very light. The lemony goodness is a great balance of sour and sweet.
Highly recommend it. :) And a shout out to mafily who wanted a lemon cake. ;)

So, my day off. It was nice to sit and think. But you don't get any where just thinking.

It's been a long month, and it's the start of another long month.
God help me lah.
God help you too. :)