Monday, April 28, 2008


Hi guys,
Spring is here. Yay!

Let me don't think much has changed since I last updated the blog. I'm flying back on July 4! and I'm writing my masters..well, going to write my masters. I have to decide what to write on this week and start on it. I'm trying to hand it in by June 20. So which means, I have one month to write it and 20 days to edit it. It's probably going to be pretty short.
Yikes! Keep me in your prayers because as you know, I'm a terrible writer. :(
But may God give me the skill of C.S Lewis and Tolkien. haha.

I made candied nuts! mmm..
Cheche made them too..and she kept boasting how she's such a natural in cooking. But...something happened lah..hehehe. and it turns out she's not such a natural after all..
AHHAHAH! Anyway, the nuts are really really really amazing. If you have the time, you should make them too. Very simple.
Pictures to follow..

And I made crepes with vanilla poached pears and lemon creme.
Crepes = milk, salt, flour. Well, that's all I turned out pretty good. Just remember to let it sit for a couple of hours.

And Clafoutis! yah! It sounds kinda weird but it's like a baked pancake. It's a good way to use your fruits especially berries. It's traditionally made with cherries but I guess it's made with all kinds of fruit now. I made blackberry-strawberry claufoutis.

And of course, David Lebovitch's Chocolate Almond Buttercrunch Toffee!

Which is always yummy. Although it seems to be a variation of Roca, which I found in simply recipes. The difference is that the nuts are mixed in with the toffee and..there's only one layer of nuts.
It's really hard to make candy without a termometer ...:S but it CAN be trying. hahah. You can do the old way of testing your candy in a glass of cold water. Put a glass of water in the freezer until cold, and then as you are making your candy, dip a fork into the mixture and drop a drop into the glass of cold water. The first stage is..called..well, the syrup will just liquify in the water lah. Then the soft ball stage. The syrup will form a soft ball in the cold water - so the syrup will keep its shape but it'll be soft. Then the hard ball stage. The syrup will form a hard ball. :)

This is what simply recipes says:

When mixture comes to a rolling boil, set your timer for a minimum of 10 minutes and keep stirring (no more than 15 minutes). The mixture will thicken and turn darker in color. The almonds will roast. Keep stirring and cooking until you hear it crackle. If you don't cook it long enough it will not harden, so keep stirring and listen for the crackling sound.

Usually I make my toffee a little softer because Karina likes it that way. But this time I thought I'll go for hard. With brown sugar it's harder to tell when the mixture is ready because it's already dark mar! Anyway, so I was doing the water test while the mixture was happily boiling away and then I heard it. "Pop". I was like ooo..maybe that's the crackling sound. hehe. I don't know if that's a crackle but if your mixture "pops", it's ready. ;)

Have fun!
Sook Ning


Blogger sookwern said...

Look sister... it was just a small hiccup. Wasn't a reflection on my talent, just perhaps, some lack of experience in candy making. hahahahhahaha

2:59 AM  

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