Monday, October 13, 2008

ottawa 1

Hi hi!
Went to Ottawa on Thursday to do some stuff and visit V. Came back Sunday night.
So this is ottawa..
Surrounded by rivers and canals

Some of the places I visited

On Friday, I set off (while V was in class) to find the Malaysian high com to get my drivers license translated.

The high com is located on Botelier.
War memorial
So I turned right onto Botolier, and saw an embassy on my right. It was gigantic and it had Jawi on the sign. So I thought to myself, "Malaysia uses Jawi meh?" "wah, look at the size of the residence! living the good life".
then I walked on somemore, and found another sign which had more Jawi writing and palm trees. Then I thought " Malaysia". haha.
So I kept on walking. Passed the Korean embassy and some other embassy and thought "where is the Malaysian flag?!", since I had reached the end of the road. So I turned back, and scanned the buildings one more time..and saw the Malaysian flag! I had missed it because it was opposite the big embassy building which I was paying so much attention to..
See? I was there.
Proud to be Malaysian! haha. Couldn't find any Malaysians in the high com though!
The receptionist was gwai lo and the sr staff was philipino. hm..
anyway, I asked the receptionist to take a picture of me with the flag. haha.
and I registered to vote! yay!
Then I went to Byward market and explored the area.
V's class ended at noon.
I was excited when I found this bakery..
To test it out, I went for the cheapest item on the menu - a brioche. not great.
Stick to Montreal!
Pumpkin season!

What Ottawa is famous for..
It's fried flat dough with toppings..


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