Monday, September 08, 2008

a rainy day

what a blessing it is to live so close to campus! :))

my mini fridge isnt' keeping the food very well. :( so i must remember not to buy so much fresh produce!

Anyway, I thought I'll continue with picture posting. I have a very amusing video..(cheche: hehe) but I won't show it.

claire, emma and i at the back seat.
oh no! i have one last caterpillar biscuit left. :(
it's getting soft have to eat it up quick.
Korean b-b-q. mmmm!!

wahhh... look at that!! mmmm...
i also have to remember that i don't really like leftovers that much! ahhaha. i try not to cook such large amounts..but..i end up with leftovers anyway. and now without a freezer, susah sikit lah. cannot keep right? i'll go to the grocery store every 2nd or 3rd day.

but that was some good b-b-q. :))

ok. that's all from me. a rainy day is no excuse not to do work. :(



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