Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Trip to Ottawa

Went to Ottawa on the 4th of Jan.
We went to the French Baker for brunch. Pretty good! Mmmm..yummy brunch.
mmm...look at that! hm..french toast, with apples and cheese, topped with maple sugar.

Ratatouille omelette
*Inspired, I made ratatouille a week ago. poor man's version. Apparently you are suppose to roast the veg, but having no oven..i dumped the veg in the wok and ..erm..cooked it under low heat. should have left it uncovered, but instead i covered my wok so it turned into some sort of steamer.
Vanessa's fancy earl grey. I had coffee.
I think this face says "no more pictures".

I was trying for half a smile, but it looks very smirky.


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