Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Friday night

*The following 3 posts were taken from socpsych.blogspot.com*
And then I added some additional stuff to this one..:)

good gracious..
I have tons of photos!

I told JB that we'll bake bread on Friday night. So we (or the dictatorial me) decided on baguette and apple bread.
I used a 5 hour starter for the apple bread. Basic white bread recipe (+cider, butter and dried cinnamon apple slices).
The baguettes could have done with a longer fermentation, but the guests were over..so I baked the baguettes on the 2nd rise, after shaping.
JB tries her hand at old school kneading.
"Its ALIIVVEEEE!" Although with JB's happy face, it's more like "it's alive! :))"
First guest arrives. "ok guys..strike a pose!"
Emily is modeling the dried apples and JB is holding beautiful melted Lindt/PC chocolate.

While the rest chill...
"READDYYY!! I'm so excited!! ARRGGGHH!!! "
Justin takes the first stab.

Mmmm..bread. :)

Thanks guys for the amazing visit and all the happy memories.

Thanks to JB for hosting and putting up with my 2 showers a day. :)
Thanks to Karina for Fedexing me cookies.
Sorry Kristin: I don't know what I was thinking - no pictures of dinner??! Thanks for dinner!
Thanks Jen for Toronto.
Thanks David for coffee
Thanks Emily for lip balm! Life saver!
Sara: Sorry I missed you this time. hopefully I'll see you sometime?? Have a great time in Switzerland!

I'm so incredibly blessed to know you all. Like seriously. :)
Just amazing.

AND THEN...(this is added! hehe) - I took the train back to Montreal. The train person asked me if I would volunteer to open the exit doors in the unlikely event of an emergency, so I said sure. She came around with the cart, and gave me free coffee because "you are my door person", and 5 seconds later, came back with the little cheese and asked if I would like to have it because there's only one left and she doesn't want to throw it away. wahh..thank God! hehe.I'm not sure it really makes sense since its not like the cheese would expire, but maybe its policy? but PRAISE GOD! :D

Blessed Christmas! Have a great break!


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