Saturday, February 14, 2009

Everglades Part 1

Day 1
After the conference, I flew to Miami/Florida City to visit Dalia and Tony.

Here I am ..waiting in the airport. They were no where to be seen so I sat near the cab stand and entertained myself on my laptop. After several tries, I finally got Dalia on the phone. Apparently they were lost/took a detour..but were 10 minutes away from the airport. *phew*
They took me to a Nicaraguan place. mmm. look at that fried fish. kinda ugly and sketchy.
an old cash registry i believe.
mmm...! beans and rice, with steak, veg, plantain and fried cheese.
the fried cheese was weird. haha. it was rubbery and..kinda tasteless. I just googled it ..apparently everyone likes it. :s I mean, I thought it was alright but not my favourite.
But the steak, rice & beans and plantain were awesome!

We took a drive down to downtown Miami - Where the rich hang out. I prefer downtown Montreal. :)
Sky line on the way home.
Day 2
Didn't really do much because Dalia had to work. So I hung out at her office. She works at Branches - which is an organization/ urban ministry thing.

Then we came home for lunch.
Bear and Dalia enjoying some dark M&Ms.

Dalia, after choir practice, hanging out in the garden.


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