Saturday, February 14, 2009

Everglades Part 2

Next morning/noon, we set out to the Everglades. Dalia had planned a trip that involved cycling on a trail.
She lives about 15 minutes away from the Everglades. 15!!
WAhhh. Seriously man, I'll go there everyday. Ok..maybe not everyday. hehe. Unfortunately you can't have both -city and nature. So there are no malls/cafes/urban stuff near her place.
oo..wild ..nature.
So we get there, and the lady says that the trail is some distance away. She gave us a map and so off we go again. But 5 minutes later, Dalia panics because she doesn't know where she is going. We look at the map again and realize that the trail is an hour drive away. So we turn back and decide to hang out where we are. No cycling unfortunately. :(
Ooo..first sign of an alligator.
How close can you get to an Alligator????!!!
ahhaha. not really lah. you think i'm crazy ar??
the close up was taken at the visitor's center. hehee. looks realistic hor?
but this is real. looks like some crazy picture from national geo hor? Click on the picture above to get a close up! you have to click.
pretty flower. not that many colourful things around. mostly just green stuff.
A bird sunning itself.
Bird stretching.
We saw a small bird and I said, "hey Dalia. check out that small bird".
And just then a couple walked past, stopped and looked too. And the lady said, "oh yeah. that's a herring."
Sook: "oh. cool. sorry - my categories for birds are big birds and small birds."
Couple laughs.
hohoho. sook ning is so funny. ;p
Anyway, so that was the alligator trail (it's a loop - you end up where you begin). We took a break for lunch.
Bear getting into nature stuff.
*in case you are wondering what is up with the bear?? It's my Christmas present from Tom and I thought it would be funny to take pictures with it everywhere I go.
Then off we went on the 2nd trail. It's very different from Trail 1 as you can see. Number 1 difference - no water/alligators.

Dalia kissing the naked indian. heehee.

WHOAAA.. check this out. BEWARE of panther!
haha. unfortunately we didn't see any panthers.

Check this bird out.

Ok lah. I better get going. Anyway, LOVE Florida in the winter. No wonder its the number 1 winter destination.
Thanks Dalia and Tony for hosting me!


Blogger sookwern said...

WOW!!! That's some picture of the birdies and the alligators. So many alligators some more...whoooaaaaaa

1:40 AM  
Blogger sookwern said...

Is the bird eating a lizard????

1:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


1:07 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

the birds are interesting. maybe I should paint them some day

1:10 AM  
Blogger sookie said...

nono.eating a fish. :)

ok. i have a number of pictures of them. i can send them to you if you want.

1:21 PM  

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