Thursday, September 09, 2010

About time!!!!

Ok, now that I am retired, I have time to update the blog. Let's start with the London leg where I stayed with Penny and had the most hectic travelling week I have ever had!!

We made a day trip down to Bath- I drove! Penny was a little worried that the car was too big and kept asking if I could drive it and about my driving experiences. I assured her as best as I could...but I think she could still remember my driving back in KL..hahaha... The highways here are CRAZY!! People drive so fast, the slow lane is normal speed, the middle and fast lanes are FAST. People just zooming around at 100miles/hour and honking you for anything less.

Bath is really pretty. I think one of the nicest towns I have ever visited. This is the view of a canal near a park...or maybe it's a bridge. Hold on, let me Google it to see what it is. Ok, found it, this is a view of Pulteney Bridge...apparently very famous.

Bath also had a collections of random lions decorated by famous people. They are littered all over Bath, in parks, on top of buildings, on roads, just everywhere. So, this is me & my lion :)

Marie & Penny stopped by this shop to buy scarves so I tried on their sunglasses and made the girls do it too! Hehhehehee

On the way back, we stopped at Stonehenge. I was hoping that it would be more spectacular, but really, after a while, it was just rocks. Sigh. Especially since no one really knows their purpose yet, just that they are very old....

We ended the night with steak at Le Relais de Venice. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmm

We did get home in one piece and safe & sound. Unfortunately, Penny then received a letter in the post a few weeks later with a fine :( Apparently I drove into a bus lane...oh dear...sigh...


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