Friday, April 09, 2010

Haiti Fundraiser

So we had a fundraiser to raise money to build shelter in Haiti. We raised $2800, which can buy about 3 transitional shelters.
Praise God!

Anyway, here are some snippets from the fundraiser. I was quite busy and didn't have much time for photo taking.
poster for the fundraiser.
clara and esther looking very pleased with the suggested donations of $10. God totally provided abundantly!
some things for auction
Michelle and Rebekah who were our cozy people. They dressed up the hall to make it cozy. :)
The kitchen crew hard at work.
hm..the kitchen crew after too much work?
There were cakes for auction and some baked goods for sale.
Susan was manning the baked goods.
Ally showing how silent auctions are done.
Musicians setting up.

Anyway, all the glory to God. By His grace, our hearts were united and everyone worked hard. It's a blessing to be used by God and to see Him use others.


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