Thursday, September 09, 2010

Garde-Manger Celebrity Chef #1

Pokey took me out to a fancy schamcy celebrity chef restaurant that served seafood. I think the restaurant's name is Garde-Manger and the celebrity is Chuck Hughes (Poke, can you confirm?? I googled once again).

So, we dressed up and this is us, pretty sisters :)

The restaurant is in Old Montreal and in Montreal style, we walked there. I saw maple candy on the way and was really excited. Hahah...pokey thought it was quite funny. Anyway, I bought a heart shaped one and stashed it away in my bag for later ;) Just in case...

Took us a while to find the place, but we finally did. We settled on the seafood platter (small) and also a main dish each (our downfall). We really did a very good job on the crab which obviously took us a while. To give you an idea, the couple next to us got their seafood platter after us and finished the whole thing before we were even half done with ours. After which of course, we were both SO FULL!!! And then the mains came, and we were even fuller....almost sick... The food was so good though..

We walked back to see Old Montreal but also to walk off the food..

Me, outside the architecture museum:

Sook Ning outside another museum (not sure...):

Me, contemplating said maple candy before eating it: (pokey thought this was very funny too)

Sook Ning being ke ai:

It was such a lovely day..thanks Pokey :)

Ps. please note how nice pokey looks before you read the next post


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