Thursday, September 28, 2006

baking bonanza

went to a meeting for an amateur theatre group. reached home at 9pm. baked until 2 am.
had to make them one by one since i only have one mixing bowl.

made 3 things.
1. victorian sponge cake (
2. world peace cookies (
3. pain de mie

the sponge cake was very nice. recommend the recipe. hm..esp with the science behind it, half which i didn't follow because like..i don't have a dark tin pan, i don't have so many things lah. so nevermind lah. still nice.
i froze half the cake - mommy said to keep it for a treat. heehee.

the cookies are in the fridge - not baked. i think i made a mistake though..i don't know what i was thinking. i think i put 1 tsp of baking soda instead of 1/2. by the time i was on top of the cocoa..i tried to take away some with my finger..but that didn't work so well. :P
anyway, the dough is chilling in the fridge.

and there was 2 loafs - so i froze one. the bread very nice too. :D
this bread is very cool..its like cakey bread but like white bread. anyway, very nice. makes you feel fat though. i think my cheeks are getting fatter..O_O that's how i look like now. hah. all cheek no face. :P
that's a really funny phrase if you think about the chinese thing of face and the english thing of cheek.
haahhahhahahahahha. ...;P

the sourdough starter kinda looks funny. how do i differentiate between good and bad bacteria? what if its bad? i don't know. when it turns green? haha.


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