Friday, October 27, 2006

BIrthday breakfast

So, The Exam is finally over!!!! *CHEERS* I really am so grateful though that God was really with me thoughout the whole time, in this very real way. I just had Him there....

Anyway, the day before The Exam was my birthday. Thank you very much for the presents!! I can't post them up because my connection is soooo slow. Just not going to work. Mummy gave me a nice black embroided bag with leather straps and Sook Ning sent me a Veggie Tales dvd, a cd and a A.W Tozer book. VERY NICE *beams*

Some of my old OCF friends surprised me at midnight with a cake which was really nice of them. They didn't stay long either cause I needed to get back to studying. It was kinda funny really, cause they called JJ(who had nothing to do with it), and she answered the call so loudly & then she's so bad at lying that I kinda figured it out but let them surprise me. was just funny cause after that she confessed to answering the call loudly & being a bad liar..but i didn't call the bluff larr...just let her believe that I didn't know anything about it *grin*

I had an early morning start at the gym & then breakfast with Fiona as follows:

Pikelets with maple syrup and berries-Nice but not spetacular

Omelette with feta cheese, olives and sundried tomatoes- Egg was nice and fluffy but somewhat lacking in flavour.

It was the perfect day with perfect weather though. Fi and I got so fidgity in the house that we moved outside to study near the tennis courts. We went through so much...until 5.30pm. Then it was church, back home, nap & back to studying.

I ended up sleeping at 3.30am and...that was my birthday

It's over now though.....Thank God. And thanks guys

These are the sulphur free dried peaches I discovered in my search for the perfect studying snack that will neither make me fat nor bloated. These were really quite nice. Much more chewy than the normal ones though


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