Sunday, October 15, 2006

it's my party...

...and i'll cry if i want to!

the strangest thing. 5 minutes before midnight, i thought to myself - God, you satisfy me. life is empty and meaningless without you.
3 minutes before midnight cheche called. excited about presents
midnight - presents! hah. presents satisfy too.

but i think slowly, i'm shifting away from material goods. i still like the good life. haha. but it really is meaningless without God. if you only have material stuff, at the end of the day, you feel so empty. emptier than you began. perhaps this is what is hinted at when Christ said: the little they have will be taken away from them.

anyway, pictures from my midnight runway. :D
thanks family for love, support and presents. heh.

ok. i'm putting my weight on one hip i think..because my right butt looks really big. haha.


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