Wednesday, October 18, 2006


hello -
wait for it..
pumpkin bread.
except i'm not going to put chocolate chips.

i bought sweet potato and ..erm..the long white root - but its not lobak - oh ok. parsnip! google does the trick. :)
so i think tomorrow i'll do roast vegetables - potatoes, carrots, sweet potato and parsnip - mix herbs+white wine+chicken stock.
sounds good - anything else i should add? quick, tell me now!

will let you know how pumpkin bread turns out.

have to proctor a midterm exam tomorrow. then after that, i'll have to mark the midterm. so i'll finally be busy.

me: so, er..should i just wait for a reply?
J: oh right. sorry about that. yeah, just wait a couple of days and then send off another email setting up a meeting.
me: o_O
ok. cool. thanks.
thinking: wah liao. no wonder everyone thinks i'm a slacker. :(

had a short but conversation with G. no bad vibe. thank God.

pumpkin bread - taste is nice. but the texture isn't there. not as light as it could be. it's a little dense in the middle. but i think this is my fault not the recipes'.


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