Thursday, October 05, 2006

cinnamon buns

THe mark of a good bread. :)
miche and bobo cooperated - very nice sourdough bread.
papa: i'll make for you. :)

hi che -
tak jadi!
the recipe you gave me:
the bread is too ...cakey. :(
with the milk+eggs.

anyway, it tastes alright other than that.
i had a sultana+raisin+currant mix. hm..maybe i should make some scones or english muffins. mommy likes my english muffins, right ma?
i soaked the mix in hot water..then in some sherry. :)

picture 1:


picture 2:

rolled dough -waiting for second rising

picture 3:

ready for the oven.

picture 4:

mmm..cake! ahhaha.

funny thing - the recipe said that it makes 18 small ones/12 big ones. i made 6..

pictures to be posted later

had sushi tonight. nothing fancy - plain stuff. bought a can of tuna, some crab sticks, cucumber and fried an egg.

the Ig Noble prize for medicine:
The Termination of Intractable Hiccups with Digital Rectal Massage, by Francis Fesmire, Majed Odeh, Harry Bassan and Arie Oliven.
in other words - a finger up your rectum to stop your hiccups.







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