Monday, October 02, 2006


an interesting day.
my brain wouldn't work - so i ended up talking in convoluted sentences and apologizing for them while in a meeting with my supervisors. great. now they think i'm an idiot.

anyway, came back - realized my yogurt had expired..thought for a while..tried eating a couple of spoons of it..and thought a little more and said - why not just make a yogurt cake. googled it -
made the one you made che..except i didn't have almond meal..and fruits..and stuff.
so i had half of tub of yogurt, i dumped everything i had inside, stirred, added some apricot jam (because it was fruity yogurt)..and shoved it in the oven. hah.

i'm too ashamed to put pictures up.


Blogger sookie said...

hi pa.
well..the cake was terrible! hah. threw it away.

9:19 PM  

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