Thursday, November 09, 2006

gaga over banana

I realized why my internet connection was so slow...there was some trouble with my internet etc..anyway, long story short - they disconnected and reconnected me the next day. however, they reconnected me as "ultra light". *sniff. ULTRA LIGHT?? i spend all my time online and they think that ultra light will suffice? nu uh! I called them up to ask why my connection is so slow and found out that they downgraded me. But now, I'm back with "express". :)

Several days ago, I asked cheche what I should do with my bananas that were ripening faster than i liked..
We had several choices, banana cake, banana muffins, banana bread, banana waffles..etc..
I settled for
Banana cake!

lovely pecans. I wasn't sure about the pecans..because the few times that I ate pecans it left a sourish taste in my mouth. but i thought, pecans. it was a nice day and so I walked to Bulk Barn to get pecans and other goodies like rye floor, spices..etc.

I didn't have matches, so when I went to the grocery store - I looked high and low for a box of matches. ACtually..not really. I know that they usually give out a packet of matches free with cigarettes, so I went straight to the cigarettes counter (which is the customer service counter). Sure enough, they had matches for sale 3 cents per box. But I only had a 20 dollar note. So I asked the lady if she had change. she said "don't worry. oh look, here's 3 cents". :) so I got my box of matches free. the flambe worked a little like..1 second. o_O

The recipe is really nice. It was a little dry, but it was my fault. I realized that it was a little dry but i was too lazy to add more milk. It might be because I added a tbsp of Bird's custard because I didn't have cream. Oh, I didn't have rum so I substituted with Sherry. Just as good. maybe that's why though - is the alcohol content lower? I was pretty liberal with the Sherry though. :)

See how hot it is? Fresh! it steamed up the lenses of my camera.

mm.look at that banana pecan goodness! :D

Congrats cheche on YWAM! well, it's not really congrats but I'm glad that you are obedient to God. :) God be with you as you learn more about missions and how to serve others. Love you!


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