Wednesday, November 08, 2006

That's right

I went for pilates today. that's right. 1 hour...of pilates, and all I could think of was - man, when i get back, i'm going to make pizza! heehee!

Anyway, I left you with the link to the pizza making guy. no, i didn't foil my oven. o__O
and my dough was a lot drier than his..but my pariah wild yeast didn't fail me. i liked it!
the taste was good. it's a mild yeast so that's nice. it rises alot it kinda looked weird.
however..before i tell you about pizza..while i was daydreaming, or myself to continue the class, i thought - hey, how about potatoes! it'll be like fries and pizza. haha

mistake too full. haha. i didn't eat all the potatoes, but i love the recipe. the rosemary gives the potatoes a real oomph. a little spicy. nice. :D
O_O i'm fatty with two cheeks.

Anyway, on with the pizza.
So I made the dough a couple of days ago. and it was resting in the fridge. Today, I made two pizzas and froze them. I didn't want them to rise/age too much because then the yeast would have no more food. (unlike the pizza guy, i dont' really know how yeast works - i would like to think that i feed bobo flour and water. don't spoil it for me).

Yes, so my dough couldn't pour out. I KNEW something was wrong, but oh well. I don't know why. he must have either used more water than stated, or his starter was more watery and loose. which is possible. c'est la vie. live and learn.

It didn't really pass the windowpane test, it sorta did, but it was too firm for that. on the whole though, i must say that this is a very handalable (?) dough. and there was no problem stretching it out. I even twirled it in the air. fell down on the floor the first time. :P 10 minute rule..haha. i froze that pizza.

so while walking to school, i practiced my twirl in the air and visualized what was the best way to twirl a pizza. and it worked!!

Before aging

After aging (not the same ball of dough. the one you see above - i didn't let it sit in room temperature for long because i was going to freeze it. so i thought this one is a better example. it was left out for 1 1/2 hours)
Mistake 2: I didn't follow his tomato sauce for the 2nd batch. one whole can of tomatoes was squeezed etc, and it was only enough for the 2 frozen pizzas. so for the 3rd one, i was too lazy to repeat the whole process. true enough, the pizza was water logged. so for the first time, the crust was a lot better than the middle. :)


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