Thursday, December 14, 2006


Chicken is more expensive than duck. So, with a heavy heart, I purchased a frozen duck instead of chicken. ..
because you know how much i looovvveee roast duck!

So in an effort to finish up my honey, I made honey roast duck. The duck was soaked in milk for 5 hours before roasting - apparently it gets rid of the ..ducky taste? and makes the duck tastier.
The basting sauce was honey, olive oil and white wine.
The oven was set at 325 degrees.
and then..
the long long process began. I don't have a roasting pan, so it was a little tough. lol. but you have to keep draining the juice from the duck as it roasts, and turning the duck from side to side - i'm assuming this is to get it to cook and brown evenly.
but when your roasting pan consists of aluminium foil bunched up at the sides, boy, it's hard. heh.
2 hours later of running back and forth from my computer to the oven and doing my laundry ..and the duck was ready to be eaten.
mmmm...very nice. unfortunately as you know, I only like breast meat. So again with a heavy heart, I am making risotto with roast duck (to use up my leftovers mar!!). heehee


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