Saturday, December 02, 2006

updates..finally..and introducing bolangles

sorry haven't updated the blog.

ok. well, i've been cooking quite a bit.

First up, curry laksa made with ikan bilis & prawn head stock. I put in beef and pork balls that I bought several months ago and they have been sitting in my freezer.
looks pretty good eh?

then i made chocolaty goodness because i wanted to finish the cooking eggs.
everyone liked it except one person who thought it tasted weird.
but I liked it. :)
so it's alright.
i like the effect of the hallogen light - kinda gives it the halo. ;)

and finally a keeper recipe. !!
my sourdough bread hasn't been working out very well..the past 2 recipes bombed.
so this time, i stumbled across this recipe
it's more technique then recipe. i changed it a little - first, i didn't have 4 hours to wait, so my first rising/sponge was in the fridge overnight.
then the 2nd rising, i folded the dough every hour.

now, mind you there's only 4 cups of flour + 1 cup of starter. but because of the extended rising, the bread is so amazingly light and BIG! ok - so it's 9 inches long..and about 4 inches high.

to give you a better sense, here's an indomee packet. :)

so without further ado..introducing Bolangles. why bolangles you may ask? well, because it sounds like bojangles and because his last name is lang. haha
Climax. ;)


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