Wednesday, December 06, 2006

me and poverty

I would say that I am in an elite group of people. How many people go to university? less than 1/2 the world. How many people get to go to graduate school? even less than those who graduate from university.

I cannot say
"I'll confess to being fairly sniffy about vanilla. If a recipe calls for vanilla seeds, I don't think twice about dipping into my stash of Tahitian or Madagascar Bourbon beans, which I stock up on whenever I travel or through mail order - the general quality of beans available here, even if they have winged it from Tahiti or Madagascar, makes me weep (not tears of joy)."

"First, if you are looking to find a cookbook on comfort food or "the-way-Mom-used-to-make-it-desert" for your next family gathering, DON'T GET THIS ONE. Also, if you're on a frugal budget or a time crunch, again, LOOK ELSWHERE. This is one of the GREATEST patisserie chefs in the world. And he gives us in his cookbook all the extravagance, style, taste and showmanship that title carries. The recipes are expensive, time consuming and sometimes tricky. They contain specialty ingredients and use specialty tools. Any substitutions based on economy or convenience will probably result in failure"

I live on $1000 a month - and that pays for all my bills.
yes, I buy san nom (no name) brand. hehehe. So I'm thinking of renaming our blog to sookies (san nom) cookie.
or sookies (economy) cookie.

je ne sais pas. that's all i can say. lol.

the only real pan I have is ..a muffin pan and that's because they don't make aluminium muffin pans. haha.
hm..oh oh. I think I said this before - but I have a kitchen aid mixer (go me!). It's a step up from beating my egg whites with a fork. ;)

so, what say you?


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