Saturday, November 25, 2006

It's coming...

Ri-bobo san!!!

this is rye sour dough bread. :)

It's a little denser than the white sourdough bread i've been making, and of course more flavourful as there's a tbsp of molasses in the dough.'s alright. :) i might use the recipe again but i think i'll kneed it more.
I went to the baking store on Friday and bought a whole bunch of stuff, one of which is oat bran. I shaped the dough in oat bran. I cut down the flour stated in the recipe. i halved the recipe - and used 2 cups of white flour for the starter, 1 cup of rye + 1 1/2 cups of white flour (half bread, half all purpose). they asked for a stiff dough, but i prefer a dough with higher hydration (more water to flour ratio).
so here's a picture of what you should see in your dough - gluten strands.

Anyway, along the japanese theme...heehee. :) konichiwa!

yummy yummy. i found this packet of redbean paste at the asian grocery store. i just had to buy it! i wasn't sure whether i wanted to make the chinese deep fried one..or ..or...or..ANPAN BUNS!

look at that! so kawaii!

Definitely Sun Moulin worthy. the one rolled in sesame seeds is plain - i ran out of redbean paste for the last ball of dough. If you know any anpan recipes, let me know -

The one i used was, not bad. 7/10. but sun moulin's bread is definitely nicer. and i don't know how to make the flat bun..i tried but take jadi. if you can think of a way, let me know too.


Blogger Kateh said...


love, cousin kate.

7:54 AM  

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