Friday, May 18, 2007

Banana loaf cake and some other pictures

I went with David's recipe and mmm..deliccciiiouuss.
Unfortunately that was a low fat recipe..and used only egg whites.
3 egg yolks..left behind..
What was I to do? What COULD I do??

mmm...the banana bread was soooo good. the english creme complimented it perfectly! :D

heehee. ;)

Red wine in a cup..
I made lady fingers..well..
lady blobs more like it since they were just blobs.
I used Le Tartine Gourmande's recipe..but I didn't like it as much as I liked the Cordon Bleu recipe.
It was somehow..too eggy? The texture was kinda weird too.

Nonetheless, here's a picture of a cup of steaming hot tea and a lady blob. :)


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