Friday, April 27, 2007

A quick update

So, it's been baking baking baking nooooooooooon stop!
anyway, here's a picture of scones that I made. the next day I made sourdough bread. Yesterday I made sponge cake and this morning I made cookies! :D
Ok. why this cooking frenzy you might ask? well, hsu - it's really to make you jealous. lol

I don't know. Well, scones because I always wanted to try this recipe.
Bread so that we can finish the kaya mommy brought from Scotland
Sponge cake for supper
and Cookies...well, because a certain someone is getting some in the post. hm... ;)
(hsu - don't get excited. it's not you...I'M NOT SENDING THEM TO AUSTRALIA! they won't last)

Anyway, I left school early today to go for lunch with mommy and then we had coffee. And it's now 3.30pm. I have to do work, but my brain is not functioning :S
While we were at the coffee shop, mommy took out a book to read and after 5 minutes of staring into the air, I took out a piece of paper and a pen.
She looked up quizzically.
I smiled and proudly said: my brain.

yes. this paper represents all that is in my brain today.

Very deep thoughts. Great insights. I'm ready to save the world.
Poverty. Wars. Famine. ..JUST watch out.
One smiley face to rule them all...
MUAHAHAHHA! *evil laughter*

Angelina Jolie - I'm coming to join your side. Yes, I am prepared to be...TOMB RAIDER.
And of course, let's not peace ^^ ala Miss Congeniality


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