Friday, May 11, 2007

Breakfast and the morning after..

So the day mommy left, I made crepes
Very nice..:)

The recipe is really easy
1 cup of flour
2 cups of milk
2 eggs
a pinch of salt
1 tbsp of oil

So mix the flour and salt. Then crack the eggs into the flour mixture. Mix it until you get some sort of eggy paste. Then pour the milk in bit by bit into the egg paste whilst stirring. Then add the oil.
Leave covered for an hour at least.
You can play around with the recipe to get the right consistency.

"Some recipes suggest letting crepe batter rest 1-2 hours before cooking because it allows the flour particles to expand in the liquid and promotes a tender and thin crepe. "

AND the day after mommy left..(a.k.a yesterday :) ), I made bread because I felt like kneeding.
Hm..I went wrong somewhere..probably because I didn't let the dough warm up before shaping. As you can see, the bottom of the bread is pretty dense. :(
But, nonetheless, the bread has a lovely sourdough taste due to the extended fermentation period.
The shape is also a little weird..

and I should have made deeper cuts to the dough..unfortunately i slashed it 5 minutes before baking..and the cuts? gashes? had closed a little by that time. (..I don't think this is the technical description ;))

Bye ma!


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