Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Hi hi.
So, I made pizza for mommy...after boasting that my pizza is pretty good. hehe.
I think I've posted about pizza before. Anyway, it's a very wet dough which is supposed to be baked under a very high temperature (800 F). Mine was baked under 500F. :)
I'm not about to put foil lah, this lah, that lah to increase the temperature and have my oven go kaboom. Kudos to Jeff tho. :)

So we made margarita.
I used canned San Marzino tomatoes from Italy :) - drained, unseeded, squeeshed (because I don't have a blender) and rinsed and strained. Then I lightly cooked the tomatoes with some red wine, oregano, and a dash of parmesan. Ok..mommy did the tomatoes. I made the sauce. heheh. *yay mommy*

Anyway, we used mozzarella cheese. and topped the pizza with more oregan and voila! We sprinkled more parmesan on it after it came out of the oven. :D


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