Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Birthday celebration

My birthday was super duper fantabulous. JB gave me chesnuts and mulling spice and Jen gave me ginger cookies and Emily gave me a cook book and Karina is making me dinner on Tuesday and Kristin took me out for lunch. wahh....
The restaurant - Del dante

L - R Emily, Karina and Jen

L-R ME! Jb, Dave.
I had wild mushroom chicken with roasted potatoes and goats cheese.
mmmm..I'm beginning to acquire a taste for goats cheese. It's rather enjoyable. :)
A satisfied customer.

Complimentary b'day brownie. Our server was excellent!

Kristin couldn't make it because she had training.
I leave for montreal in 8 hours. Good stuff! :)
I am quite overwhelmed by the love I received on my birthday. God is good and blessed me with people who were willing to spend time with me and buy stuff for me. So much to be thankful for y'know? :)

Love you alll!
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