Monday, October 08, 2007


We celebrated thanksgiving this weekend. A couple of classmates and I got together to celebrate..

R - L : Roast beef, roasted veg, stuffing, turkey, mash potatoes
In the middle: mushroom caps

Close up of stuffing
Mushroom caps/Escargot dish

Glass of wine

I'm thankful for a great family who is so supportive of what I do and is always willing to sacrifice for me.
I'm thankful for friends who no matter how far they are, we can connect as if time stood still. I'm thankful for friends whom I don't talk to very often, but are willing to do things for me when I ask for favours. I'm thankful for my new house, which God so graciously provided in 3 weeks. I'm thankful for being here at Waterloo, that I have an opportunity to study. I'm thankful that Christ died on the cross and gave me life abundantly. That he continue to refines me and mold me to perfection. I'm thankful for the trials that I go through, knowing that the Father disciplines me out of love.

What are you thankful for?
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