Monday, May 05, 2008


So yummy!
Mmm...with low fat Madagascar Vanilla Bean frozen yogurt.
" Yogurt Plus is an incredibly delicious and healthy offering of naturally flavoured frozen yogurt. With two active probiotic cultures (Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium Lactis), and a natural source of prebiotic fibre (Inulin), this is a first for frozen yogurt in Canada. Probiotics are friendly bacteria that help balance gut microflora and support the immune system. Daily consumption contributes to maintaining digestive health. Prebiotic (Inulin) is a soluble dietary fibre, which is not digested in the stomach or small intestine and reaches the large intestine intact. It stimulates the growth of bifidobacterium (friendly bacteria) thereby contributing to maintaining digestive health. Eaten on a daily basis, probiotics and prebiotics act together to optimize digestive health, contributing to overall health."
Wah liao. How not to eat it on a DAILY basis?

Recipe here! Strongly recommend.

Roll the cookies out thick and make sure not to overbake. :)

Mmmm!! I love!


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