Monday, October 13, 2008

Ottawa 2

At noon, V called and we met up. Had lunch and searched for entertainment after.
We stopped at the Museum of fine arts, but you had to pay to see.
it's a nice building..made out of glass.

So we walked to the Museum of Civilization - V's fav.
On the way...
I pretended I was some guy..apparently this guy saw Ottawa and said "ah hah!".
So ok lah. I also go ah hah!
And I went gangsta..
View from the top
Background: Parliament

V reading in french. and me contributing "tres bien! tres bien!"
haha. go me!
The Museum is located in Hull, Quebec. So to reach Hull, we had to cross a bridge
On one side is Hull, QC

And on the other is Ottawa, ON
It was a rickety bridge. Well, I say rickety but it was steel reinforced..but ..y'know..just walk quickly! :)
Some metal cap showing you the QC/ON border. I think that's the bridge we walked on with the museum on the right.
V showing her house in relation to where we were..Off the map.


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