Thursday, October 16, 2008


hehhe :))

My b'day started Malaysian time because mommy had to leave. I got a journal and a coat from her. Very nice coat. :D
Thanks ma!
(I tried a couple of diff poses..but the "cool" pose ..lets just say it's not me lah!)

So I got my early morning call from da sis at 6.30am. :))
Class at 9.30am. I was told to "come hungry" and 2 of my classmates bought breakfast (croissants, chocolatines and something like a cinnamon pastry/roll)!

Went out for lunch with two of my lab mates

Came back home because I had to use my home pc and guess what I found??

A package from LAVAL?!
I don't know anyone who lives in Laval (which is just off the Island of Montreal). Well, D used to live there, but now she's in Miami.
And then opening it carefully (= ripping it!)
I found a box..

and the box contained treasures. hehehe.

Thanks sister!!!

K sent me a gift cert from oooo!

Anyway, I had work to do today. Work that was beyond my scope of knowledge. Thanks W for trying to help but not having the time to do so. :)
By God's grace ,D is helping me do it now.
and thanks to J who suggested how I should do it.

Anyway, so what have I done to deserve such blessings? Absolutely nothing! Thank you God for your grace and mercy. You are absolutely amazing and so incredibly loving.

Thank you family for your love.
Thank you friends for more love!


Blogger Unknown said...

'God was wonderful to us,
we are one happy people.
And now, God, do it again-'
Psalm 126 The Message

Praise God for His joy

3:06 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Birthday sweetie

3:07 AM  

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