Saturday, April 10, 2010

close ups

feeling ambivalent. resistant. please don't be closed off to God's grace.

here are some close up shots that i like. seeing the world through a small frame. but perhaps perspective is needed.
(see the water being poured in the background?)

Friday, April 09, 2010

a ver(y)monster night out

After all the busyness of the fundraiser, I thought it'll be nice for the girls to get a special treat...
the VERMONSTER! uh huh. Not for the lighthearted but we had 8 girls sharing one.
I was a little concerned because it looked like it was going to rain and I didn't think being wet and eating ice cream was that fun. But thank God it didn't.
So, off we went. They didn't know where we were going as I refused to tell them. It had to be a surprise. :)

Lana was trying to bribe me to tell her the secret! lol. So that's Lana and Heather.
Rebekah and Malek
Louise and Michelle
The very friendly Ben and Jerry's scooper.
The idea of a Vermonster is sinking in as Rebekah gets more and more excited about the 20 scoops of ice cream.So come the excited faces!
Rebekah and Lana.
The asians! haha. Susan and Hana.
Michelle and Louise. Louise is apparently shocked at Michelle's lack of enthusiasm.
YAY for Vermonster. Yes, that's the big tub of ice cream. :)

Haiti Fundraiser

So we had a fundraiser to raise money to build shelter in Haiti. We raised $2800, which can buy about 3 transitional shelters.
Praise God!

Anyway, here are some snippets from the fundraiser. I was quite busy and didn't have much time for photo taking.
poster for the fundraiser.
clara and esther looking very pleased with the suggested donations of $10. God totally provided abundantly!
some things for auction
Michelle and Rebekah who were our cozy people. They dressed up the hall to make it cozy. :)
The kitchen crew hard at work.
hm..the kitchen crew after too much work?
There were cakes for auction and some baked goods for sale.
Susan was manning the baked goods.
Ally showing how silent auctions are done.
Musicians setting up.

Anyway, all the glory to God. By His grace, our hearts were united and everyone worked hard. It's a blessing to be used by God and to see Him use others.


Hey! It's been so long since I updated this site. So this will just be a bunch of stuff that I've been up to. :)

Lisa and Gaelle are my friends from U and also my breakfast buddies. Which usually means breakfast before class. Anyway, I made Lisa breakfast for her birthday.

hash, cheese and spinach omelette, buckwheat crepes with nutella and poached pears
Gaelle with her bowl of fruit!

AND coincidentally, they won the raffle for the Haiti Fundraiser. What are the odds? Two different people picked their names. well, the odds are 1/5 for each actually. :)

So here they are, Gaelle looking very happy with her BREAKFAST pizza! i used the pizza dough from Peter Reinhart. Very nice
breakfast pizza. with mushroom, bacon, shredded ham (seriously inspired move!), and an egg. Topped with smoked mozarella and emmenthal cheese. baked at 550 degrees for 8 minutes.

Lisa was concerned that she didn't look nice! haha. so they are prepping her before the "photo shoot".
They brought me a bouquet of flowers. aww. that was nice of them. It was just the right time too. I was feeling somewhat unappreciated. I know it's a silly feeling..but, you know. :)
Couple of small ones sitting in a jam jar by my pc.
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