Sunday, November 07, 2010

Strawberry fields forevverrrrr

We made it to Sunny Ridge!!!! Not only that but God made the drizzle stopped. YEAY!!!

This is me and my empty container all ready to be filled by strawberries!

Serious strawberry pickers!

The harvest #1

The harvest #2 - Note that the strawberries have almost NO WHITE on them. I chose really good ones. I think the best :)

The Harvest #3

How to get lost with friends

One gets lost with good humour! Hehehehee... Which I normally am not very good at on my own. But when one is on an Adventure (as mummy puts it), and friends hand the Doritos over cause they know you are tired and possibly getting crabby, we praise God for good friends :)

Anyway, we (Jit Jing, Pohan and I) were on our way to Mornington Peninsula to pick strawberries and for lunch. We ended up on a mountain somewhere with a really great view of the sea.

Jit Jing and Pohan poring over the Google Map directions.

Practising my kawaii look... unbeknownst to Jit Jing..

That hill we ended up on was Arthur's Seat. I didn't realise that as we only stopped because we drove past Arthur's Seat... as in just a seat! The hill (not the seat) is apparently is a "major tourist drawcard due to tis natural bushland, seeping views and man-made attractions"(,_Victoria )

This is me and my rogue king pose.

And this is Pohan and his "I don't want to pose larrr" kingly look. AHAHAHHAHAHHAHA