Friday, September 29, 2006

comfort food

I had one of those know, where nothing went wrong, but nothing really went right either. One of those days where you are busy doing stuff and the day passes quickly. One of the days where you said the wrong thing one too many times...only to say something wrong again. One of those days where you have no one to blame but yourself. Just one of those days. I wish you were here.

Anyway, I made a BIG pot of soup on Wednesday...hehee...and there's still A LOT left. I've frozen 2/3 of it. Safeway marked down some packets of fresh diced veggies & that was why it happened. It's full of spring goodness :) There's leek, potatoes, parsley (just a bit), carrots, onion and I also added frozen peas and canned tomatoes & corn. Oh, and meat- I poached & shredded a chicken breast & also added chopped ham. Then I thought, this is beginning to sound like my version of minestrone. So, I added borlotti beans & chickpeas and boiled up some pasta too. YUMMY. Comfort food.

I read on this website that if you boil your beans for 2-3 minutes, then leave it to soak for at least 4 hours, and discard the soaking water before cooking it, you lose 80% of the sugars that cause flatulence. I tried that AND IT WORKS!!! Irritable bowels, take that! HA! Although, the flipside is that you also lose some of the nutrients. Oh, well, cest la vie

I can't believed you baked for 5 hours!!! Yup, definately keep the cake for A Treat. And if the cookies taste funny cause of the baking soda, just throw it out. Really...I have yet to find a way to disguise the taste of too much bakng soda.

My next aim: Sour Cream Apple Pie with Streusal topping curtesy of Simply Recipes. Hhhmm...can't get the link to cut and paste. Next time then.


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