Friday, October 13, 2006

a sun shiny day

Melbourne topped 30 degrees yesterday. Total fire ban. Unfortunately, many little fires did happen nonetheless.

I ended up on Lygon street for dinner and gelati and study session all in one.

DINNER: I tried a Thai salad for dinner with salted crabs. I dare say...salted crabs. They came in little crab parts ( a leg here, a claw there). I'm not sure how they are prepared-pickled maybe? I also wasn't sure how to go about eating them, so i just popped the whole piece (shell & all) into my mouth. The shell was crunchy & the flesh kinda mushy. Interesting. I didn't mind it but can't forsee myself craving salted crab in the near future.

GELATI: I had the roche & frutti de bosco- YUMMY!!! My first proper all-to-myself gelati of the year *beams*. After studying a while, my pharmacist decided that she wanted another we walked a bit to look at other gelati shops but ended up with 7-11 slurpees instead. Waaayyy too much sugar in just a few hours, so I didn't end up finishing my slurpee.

And rest assured, we did study. My exams are in 10 days time & counting down. I am sleep deprived. I have random numbers (doses & ancillary labels), names (some misspelt & mispronounced) and possible side effects floating around in my head. I have 3 hour block study sessions with numerous people every day. I have a paper trail (literally) of notes from my bedroom door to my table and my bed. I have 10 days left till exams.....


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